Minulý čas prostý, nepravidelná slovesa – test číslo 4

Hlavní stránka – Angličtina online – Testy z angličtiny online a zdarma – Test Minulý čas prostý (Past simple), nepravidelná slovesa – ihned po dokončení testu uvidíte výsledek a správné odpovědi. Není potřeba se nikde registrovat. Všechny testy na Anglina.uNas.cz jsou online a zdarma. Test je určen pro mírně pokročilé (úroveň A2 – Pre-Intermediate).

Test Minulý čas prostý, nepravidelná slovesa:

Test Minulý čas prostý nepravidelná slovesa – Zadání: Vyberte správný 2. tvar nepravidelného slovesa (Minulý čas – Past Simple):

1. be -

2. become -

3. buy -

4. can -

5. do -

6. drive -

7. eat -

8. find -

9. get -

10. give -

11. go -

12. grow -

13. have -

14. hear -

15. know -

16. leave -

17. lose -

18. make -

19. meet -

20. read -

21. run -

22. say -

23. see -

24. sit -

25. sleep -

26. speak -

27. swim -

28. take -

29. teach -

30. tell -

31. think -

32. understand -

33. wear -

34. write -

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Učte se angličtinu s úsměvem na Anglina.uNas.cz

Angličtina testy - testy z angličtiny. Testy na procvičení. English jokes
Angličtina testy – testy z angličtiny. Testy na procvičení

Musíte se učit i matematiku?

What now?

a - a few - a little - a lot - a lot of - a.m. - above - across - all - all day - always - am - among - Amphibian - an - Animal - any - April - are - Art - at - at - August - Bathroom - be - be going to - behind - below - between - billion - Bird - Body - Box - Buildings - by - Camping - can - can not - can`t - Capitalization rules - Car - Castel - Celebration - Clothes - Colors - Cooking - countable nouns - Country - daily - December - dislike - do - each - eight - Elements - eleven - every - every day - Family - Farm - February - Feelings - few - first conditional - Fish - five - Flower - Food - four - four times - frequently - Friday - from - Fruit - Furniture - Geography - going - going to - half - hardly ever - have - have got - Health - her - his - Holiday - House - how - how - how far - how many - how much - how often - hundred - Character - in - in - in front of - is - its - January - Job - July - June - Kitchen - let us go - like - little - lots of - make - Mammal - many - March - Math - May - million - Monday - Money - monthly - much - must - my - near - need - never - next to - nil - nine - no - no - none - normally - nougth - November - o`clock - occasionally - October - often - on - on - on the top of - once - one - onto - opposite - our - over - p.m. - past - Phrasal verbs - Plant - Post - Present perfect simple - present simple - quarter - rain - rarely - regularly - Restaurant - Saturday - say - Science - Sea - second conditional - seldom - September - seven - Shapes - should - School - six - snow - so - some - sometimes - Space - Sport - such - sun - Sunday - tell - ten - that - the - their - there are - there is - these - third conditional - this - those - thousand - three - three times - through - Thursday - Time - to be - Tools - towards - Transport - Tree - Tuesday - twice - two - uncountable nouns - under - usually - Vegetable - was - Weather - Wednesday - were - what - when - where - which - who - whole - why - will - won`t - would like - yearly - your - zero - zero conditional

